APF supports Fiji Commission to develop new strategic plan

The APF has supported the Fiji Commission to undertake a strategic planning workshop to establish its human rights goals and priorities.

The Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) has identified its human rights priorities and goals for the next five years, as part of a strategic planning workshop supported by the APF.

The two-day workshop, held in Suva, Fiji on 5-6 July 2022, was facilitated by APF Manager of Capacity Development, Aishath Fasoha, and APF Expert NHRI Consultant, Rosslyn Noonan, with participation from FHRADC staff and commissioners.

The APF has assisted the Commission with the development of its strategic plan following a capacity assessment in 2020, which assessed the strengths and gaps in the organisation, and identified strategic planning as a priority.

“Strategic planning is crucial for national human rights institutions as it enables them to reflect upon what has and hasn’t worked in the past, and to review the context in which they are working,” said Ms Noonan.

"It’s important for NHRIs to address key systemic issues to really make an impact and lead to changes for the community as a whole"

Rosslyn Noonan, APF Expert NHRI Consultant

As part of the strategic planning process, Commission staff travelled throughout Fiji, including to remote provinces, to consult with individuals and community members on the draft plan, inviting them to share their concerns and views on key human rights issues.

The workshop was an opportunity to review the strategic priorities based on this feedback, and to identify outcomes, actions and measures of success.

FHRADC Chairperson, Pravesh Sharma, said the workshop provided an opportunity for the Commission to establish its medium- and long-term goals.

“We have our core functions as a national human rights institution, and the strategic plan builds on that. We feel it’s very important to have a strategic plan; it gives us guidance,” he said.

Mr Sharma said he looks forward to learning more from the APF network: “We are very grateful to the APF as it provides support and a platform for learning from others,” he said.

“If there are other organisations trying to achieve the same thing in their countries, the best way to do so is just to compare notes. That’s what I see APF’s role is.”

The APF will continue to support the Commission to finalise its strategic plan, and to develop its MEAL framework and annual work plans.

Date: 29 July 2022

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  • Asia Pacific Forum

Image credits

  1. Participants of the FHRADC strategic planning workshop - APF/Amy Janowski

  2. Participants take part in the strategic planning workshop activities - APF/Amy Janowski

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