APF facilitates capacity assessment of Nepal’s NHRI in collaboration with UNDP and OHCHR

The APF, in partnership with OHCHR and UNDP, facilitated a Capacity Assessment of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal (NHRC), to identify existing capacities and areas for development.

The APF facilitated a Capacity Assessment of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal (NHRC) from 24 February to 11 March 2024, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

The Capacity Assessment (CA) Project, a joint initiative of the APF, UNDP, and OHCHR, aims to strengthen National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the Asia Pacific by assisting them to identify existing capacities and areas for development to effectively protect and promote human rights at the national level.

This is the third CA undertaken since 2022 when COVID-19 international travel restrictions were lifted. These include CAs with the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan in 2022, and the National Centre for Human Rights of Kazakhstan in 2023.

Using a self-assessment model, the CA process involves small group discussions, interviews and a customised survey process to gather insights from NHRI staff as well as external stakeholders including parliamentarians, government, judiciary, business representatives and civil society organisations engaged with the institution.

The Nepal CA team was led by APF NHRI Expert Consultant Ms Rosslyn Noonan and Ms Pip Dargan, Principal Adviser, APF Leadership Services. The team also included Mr Ahmed Shahid, Acting APF Manager of Capacity Development, Mr. Simone Boneschi, UNDP Programme Specialist in Human Rights and Rule of Law, and Mr. Johnny Baryougar White, Human Rights Officer, National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section, OHCHR.

In collaboration with the NHRC, the CA team analysed relevant documents and reports, and conducted focus group interviews and surveys with over 175 NHRC staff from the institution’s head office in Kathmandu, as well as in-person interviews with NHRC staff in the Karnali and Madhesh provincial offices.

Virtual meetings were held with staff in the NHRC’s five other provincial offices. The team also interviewed representatives of government agencies and civil society organisations in Karnali and Madhesh.

Following the assessment, the team will present a comprehensive report proposing strategies to strengthen the NHRI, develop staff capacities, and enhance internal processes for greater efficiency.

The report will include an analysis of key capacity issues identified by NHRC leaders and staff, along with recommended strategies for capacity development to enhance institutional effectiveness.

The APF, UNDP, and OHCHR are committed to supporting the NHRC in implementing the recommendations. They will also continue to support the NHRC's engagement with the international human rights system, ensuring ongoing progress and effectiveness in promoting and protecting human rights in Nepal.

The APF wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the NHRC leadership and staff for their warmth, openness, and cooperation. We also wish to acknowledge the wonderful collaboration and financial contribution from UNDP Nepal that ensured the smooth conduct of the CA.

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Image credits

  1. APF-UNDP-OHCHR Capacity Assessment participants - NHRC Nepal

  2. Karnali Provincial Office visit - NHRC Nepal

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